Emrik: That's right folks, within this little pocket of space you too can learn how to raise your very own animal companion, taught by yours truly and the overgrown ca- Err... Lion, Renfalus!
Ren: Purr...
Emrik: Quiet Ren, it's my time to sp- Err, I mean, thanks for your awesome insight! Anyways, tired of living alone? Wish you had a companion with you at all times? Well for low price of 1 noble you can take Renfalus off my han-
Ren: Snarl!
Emrik: Err, let me rephrase that... for the low price of your attention span to this little pocket of space you too can have your very own animal companio- What's that Ren? I already said this?
Ren: Miaow.
Emrik: Good, now stop interrupting me you overgrown cat...! What's with the fangs...? Alright alright, I'm sorry! Moving along, if you've got yourself an animal that you wish to start a lovely companion ship then just return to this little pocket of space with it and me and Renfalus with help you with it! Isn't that right Ren?
Ren: Woof!
Emrik: That settles it! I will be here whenever I get bored again, or when Tia actually lets me have my fun.