Greeting, I am Manlulu, 69th Wonder of Purple.
I am not of royalty nor specialty. I am to be a space ranger of Bootyland and have landed in this Kingdom of Corpavale where I have gained the respect of the people of an island in the Kingdom of Corpavale called Purple. I have a donkey that craps thunder and an erecting spear as a weapon. How did I get here? Well...
Long time ago,
I was a mere middle class citizen of the planet, Bootyland, born and raise. I lived a happy life, getting all the booty the planet could offer, until my planet waged in an intergalactic war against the planet, Puzzy.
This dispute lasted for quite a while. During the peak of the war, I drafted as a space ranger. I was placed on a misson where I, and 49 others, were placed on a spacestation to find some more booty (since our natural resources were decreasing). However our ship was bombarded by a fleet of toothpicks. I was the only one that survived.
You see, I was saved a donkey flying though space. I called him
A-Pain and we became companions. The two of us traveled through space for a thousand years.
A-Pain was tired as hell so we took a break on the Kingdom of Corpavale were we landed on an island called Purple. In our first day there, we have told our space stories in local bars and mated with their women. However, at the time, Purple was in a war with the Dictionary. The people of Purple begged for our help as we were experienced ass kickers and offered many BJs to us. And we kicked some ass.
At the end, Purple and the Dictonary signed a treaty. However, the Dictionary refused to obey the treaty that was signed (saying that the color purple would have an entry in the Dictionary) and so the second war begins
The people of Purple have crestened me with the
Holy Monday Morning erecting spear. I shall fight for fellow friends of