"Blue hair? How vary exotic. But as so I have been found, I must try to escape, is'nt that right, madame?" He sprinted towards her and leaped, making a clean vault over her head. " I bid you adieu!" He cried and began to wallrun away.
That was too close for comfort... Judging by her actions and appearance, somebody very influential. I have no need for getting into fights, especially with beautiful women. Wait... No... Dont go for it. She's much too young. Ha.
He leaped away, vaulting and leaping over rooftop obstacles. He hid in the nearby chapel, taking a seat beside the stone gargoyles, wondering where the tavern is. Time to get info. And as fate would have it, his stomach grumbles at the most inoppurtune moments.
"I'm feeling a craving for chickenstrips.... Where's the tavern?"